Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 25

Moshi Moshi

Salam and hi readers,

The conversation is based on a true story and got nothing to do with anyone else except the individuals mentioned here

If you need translation, help yourself by using google translator ~ tak kuasa haku nak translate dol

Pada suatu petang ketika Minah Vp berchatting meluahkan perasan kepada teman seperjuangan dia Minah Vg yang jauh di negeri matahari terbit

Ketika itu, telefon opisnya berdering

treettt trettt...gagang terus disambar (pantas ok) prinsip 3 deringan..

Minah Vp : hellooooooo (suara ala-la JLo)
Prof S : hallooo
Minah Vp : erkkk hello (suara ditukar ala-ala Mahadzir Lokman setelah mengesyaki gerangan si pemanggil)
Prof S : Yes, hello, Im calling from Japang
Minah Vp : Haa?? I mean yes, Minah Vp speaking..erkkkk Prof S??
Prof S : Yes...aaa how are you?
Minah Vp : Yeah, Im fine and how about you?
Prof S : Yeah. Im OK. Im calling because......bla bla bla

Perbualan ini berlangsung selama beberapa minit dan perkataan yg banyak keluar dari mulut Minah Vp adalah 'Ok Prof" dan diingatkan perbualan ini berlaku dgn seriusnya

Minah Vp : Ok Prof, I'll get in touch with the person in charge
Prof S : Ok, talk to the ministry person and I will wait for your email ya
Minah Vp : Ok Prof, dont worry, will keep updating you on the progress
Prof S : OK, bye

Gagang diletak...WOW, phewwww cemas weiii sambil men'YM' Omg Omg pada Minah Vg

Moral of the story mory :-
1) Be prepare when you answering the phone, suara harus mcm Mahadzir Lokman senantiasa
2) Be optimis
3) And ehem ehem I got my offer letter today and may proceed with next step but I'm also considering other universities =) alhamdulillah, thank U Allah

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