Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 28

It's about Time

Hi there and happy new year semua,

Rasanya 2-3 hari cuti ni, banyak masa terbuang so it's about time to change and focus on my work. Aiseyman, a sudden feeling of guilt surrounded me now as I thought things will be different last two days. Never mind lah, take it as a mistake that shouldnt be repeated again. Xpa xpa minah, stay cool and cepat pasang niat (dah mcm puasa bunyinya), aku dah list down my new year resolutions, erkkk last year pun tak tercapai lagik. Korang dah siap memasang niat suci murni korang? so kalo belum, lets get it done bebeh!!!!

time is golden

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