Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, April 23

To fell off the wagon?


The answer is NOPE...i'm still maintaining my 1460 calorie diet. So how was it for the past few days? Well, honestly i'm doing well, yes so farrrr hehe. Hopefully lepas ni pun macam tu juga kan but this morning a bit carried away, since terribly hungry this morning.

First, nak mintak maaf awal-awal sebab i'm too lazy nak tulis all the menu but anyway for this week until last nite its only fruits (watermelon or honey dew) and homemade tau fu fa (beli from my collegues sini, sedapp) for dinner. Before going to bed, i usually took honey water with cinnamon powder (remedy to lose weight) hehe, found it on internet so i'll just give it a try. Mana tau kot-kot mujarab kan. The rest it was almost the same and sedaya upaya i avoid makan nasi ayam and nasi lemak untuk minggu ni. Lunch mostly makan 1/2 cup nasi putih + ikan/ayam seketul + sayur and air limau ais but yesterday i just ate red bean pau for breakfast, tea and lunch (gilerss) and insanely makan 5 biji popia goreng (sebab semalam tersalah beli kulit popia huhu) that cost me about 650 calorie, memang banyak lah kalorinyee, so ladies , jangan makan benda yang bergoreng ni ye :)

So far, memang agak susah nak maintain sebab breakfast kalo pergi food court kesemuanya benda yang berkalori tinggi so the solution is minum milo kosong sebagai alas perut until lunch hehe

P/s : I am glad and bersyukur sangat sebab obesiti di kalangan school kids dah semakin hangat diperdebatkan so apa yang penting and kita kena ingat health is better than wealth

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