Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 18

1460 on 2nd week challenge

yoshhh i can do it!!!

Hi darlings,

Actually i planned to cut the calorie down to 1430 calorie per day for this week but since the mission havent been accomplished yet so ive decided to continue with 1460 until i manage to achieve the target for everyday. Oh yeah, im watching buletin utama rite now and our ministry of education has come out with a solution to ban nasi lemak to be sold in school canteen (tertanya-tanya boleh' ban' ke?). However, its a good way to prevent obesity among our kids, 1 plate nasi lemak (complete) carried about 389 calorie.

So, shall we proceed with today menu? lets check it out


1 set of egg sandwich 408 cal + honey water with cinnamon 65 cal = 473 calorie

1 glass of tea with low fat milk = 50 calorie

Lunch and dinner
1 cup of nasi putih 180 cal + 1/2 steam bawal with veggie 157 cal + sambal kicap 70 cal + green tea 8 cal = 830 calorie

Honey dew 44 calorie

Total calorie = 1397 calorie

p/s : yesterday morning someone said im not that fat, she said i dah ok with my height BUT last nite some else said i am NOT.....arghhh menci menciiiiii

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