Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 18

1460 - it is not easy


Lets continue with the menu on Saturday and Sunday but ill shall warn u it is not as good as it supposed to be..Sunday was a disaster.


Mee kolok ( i assume the calorie will be as much as in a mee soup) 381 cal + 3 pieces of keropok lekor 240 cal + limau ais 10 cal = 631 calorie

1 can of soya milk 52 cal + 1 1/2 piece of honey dew 70 cal + kuih kacang 100 cal = 222 calorie

Total calorie = 853 calorie wow ;)

Sunday - catastrophe

Brunch - Attending a wedding so hmm u know la kan apa jadi
Nasi putih 1/2 cup 65 cal + 1 pc ayam masak hitam 317 cal + sayur dengan telur rebus 155 cal + 1/2 slice kek gula hangus 130 cal + watermelon 44 cal + 1/2 glass air sirap 70 cal = 781 calorie

1 slice of wheat bread 69 cal + low fat chocolate milk 150 cal + honey dew 70 cal = 289 calorie

Dinner - another jamuan huhu
1 senduk nasi minyak 200 cal + 1 ketul ayam masak masam manis 250 cal + 1 pc sausage (arghhhhh, disaster) 225 cal + fruit salad (melon+ potato+dressing) 150 cal + 1/2 air sirap 70 cal = 895 calorie

Im soooooooo frustrated that i ended up taking a supper

3 pc of bahulu 228 cal + peanut butter sandwich 150 cal = 378 calorie

Total calorie = zilllionnn so malas nk kira

p/s : if you look at the proportion, honestly it is just a small amount of here and there (everybody were asking me am i on diet ;p) but i dont like to cut the calorie according to the proportion because i feel its not going to help you at all hehe so i just assuming the highest calorie each meal could have.

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