Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, April 16

1460 is my lucky number


yeah im back. For those who wanna know my secret mission not impossible diet plan, this is the time.

So darlings, in any mission or strategic plan (gosh this remind me to PSPTN, beh tahan worrr) we must set a goal. I think everybody know about tis kan even chipmunks pun tahu :) sure you need to aim of something. So my goal is -10 kg, yup i need to get rid of those ugly stubborn tonnes of fats in my body.

But dear readers, please bear in mind, any number should be realistic and do aim for something which is considered as healthy. Jangan lah aim nak kurus sampai BMI underweight plak, for me no matter its a small number as long as i look best in shape and healthy then its gonna be fine for me.

Well, perhaps some people may aim for beauty (yes of course, me too) but please put health as the main priority lah. Jangan sampai memudaratkan badan anda ye. So enuf babbling, lets get down to bussines. This week mission is 1460 cal per day.


Breakfast - Karipap 3 X 130 cal + Teh O 8 cal = 398 calorie
Tea - Chocolate cake 1 X 280 cal + Teh 54 cal = 334 calorie
Lunch - Pizza Hut Cheezy 2 X 250 cal + 1/2 glass mountain dew 65 +
1/2 bowl of mushroom soup 100 cal= 735 calorie
Dinner - Milo 3 in 1 = 121 calorie

TOTAL = 1588 calorie

yes,bebeh...im lost to the number....huhu anyway tuesday its a kickstart, 1st day is always the hardest part

What happened on Tuesday? next entry ya...

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