Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 29

Sibuan Island, Tun Sakaran Marine Park

Hi there,

Hari ni banyak keja tapi now break kejap dari menghadap benda keja tu ~ sakit hotak lama-lama

Nak share gambar pulau lain yang akak pergi last week iaitu Sibuan Island which is about 15-20 minute boat ride from Bohey Dulang Island. 

Kenapa ke sana? sebab akak tak pernah tengok rumah bajau laut. Dengan cerita rumah dia kecik molek je so boss marine park pun dgn baik hati suruh his staff bawa akak jalan-jalan sekitar pulau ni. 

Thank you so much En. N and his staff

Sibuan Island

Bajau Laut Village

and their small huts

pretty small for a family of two and I'm wondering what about those with 3-4 kids? ayoyo

looking at their small and petite size so perhaps boleh kot kan...hmmmm

erk?? rumah ketua kampung kea? nahhh, the enforcement team stay here, abang and pakcik renjers

they also make their own small boats

in front of the MP base in the island

ha, ini ambik coral ni, nak kena saman abang askar ni

buai-buai ku laju
En J mesti letih nak layan kita orang yg buat pit stop main buai plak

baekkk punya pose adik ni, nanti akak hanar dekat mangga ye dik =)

nak tunjuk kedai bukan pengunjung kedai ye ~ erkss

babai Sibuan, insyaAllah next time, I'll come back

uishhh, next time kalo ada rezeki nak terjun tiruk sini lah =)

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