Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 24

A Walk Down Memory Lane

yes, this abaya will be in the list

the first time ever i saw the kaabah


alhamdulillah selepas solat isyak

definitely will try the kebab again

kali ni naik unta hehehe

InsyaAllah will be spending more time in Masjidil Haram

meeting new friends

InsyaAllah nak merasa lagi nikmat mengucup Hajarul Aswad

solat dan berdoa di hadapan Multazam

pray that Allah will answered my prayers - to meet my other half soon hehehe

berdoa nak bersedekah lebih banyak especially to the kids. She is very adorable kan

Hopefully, InsyaAllah .........

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