Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 4

Quest I

The League of Extraordinary Mimot Updates

1. Kagoshima University, Japan ~ status : 2nd consideration with Dr Miguel help

2. University of Stirling, Scotland ~ status : considering my colleague contacts

3. University of Aberdeen, Scotland ~ status : awaiting reply

4. University of Barcelona, Spain ~ status : awaiting reply

5. WageningenUniversity, Netherlands ~ status : red lights, IELTS band 7 and interview

6. University of Reading, England ~ status : further discussion with potential SV on research topic

7. Nagasaki University, Japan ~ status : forwarding offer letter to KPT for consideration

8. Swansea University, Wales ~ status : potential SV unavailable and received +ve reply from graduate school

Considering :-

9. McGill University, Canada - KIV since they need GRE and TOFEL

10. University of Edinburgh, Scotland - awaiting reply

11. University of London, England

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