Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, November 23

In LovE

Ive been loyal fan of lancome for over 4 years, i love all range of the their fragrances esp miracle so magic, love them so muchie muchie and folo by magnifique for a year. One beautiful day, my mom got a collection of their mini perfume and i secretly tried tresor. I did received some compliments on the scent. Sedapnya, perfume apa ni? hikhik, still remember few comments i got on that day. yalah perfume paling mahal dalam collection confirmlah wangi kan.

Initially, me, plan to spend on magnifique on their limited edition collection and did some surveys in malls for a cheaper price. While waiting for magnifique, i redeemed my CC points on Armani Diamond EDP and Anna Sui, which i gave it to my sister. Diamond is nice but the smell din last long so 50 ml took me oni 3-4 months to finish it hahaha (its EDP but i need to spray few times lah, x bagus).

Nak dijadikan cerita, last month, my bro wit his family together wit the two datins (of cos, they wont miss the chance) went to Singapore for a trip. Since perfumes are cheaper in there so i ask mak to shop 1-2 bottles and luckily she managed to grab this one for me. The truth is i din know Lancome just launching their new perfume in store hahaha and my old friend, Alia who acted as my family tour guide recommended me to buy their latest one, Tresor in Love. It cost me 300 bucks @@ (tresor, the most expensive in range) gosh i thot its lesser haiizzz neway since mak so excited because she got a handbag as a gift so its ok lah, just go for it. As long as mak happy. Funny lah apa la yang cantik sangat beg tu, boleh je dia beli yang lain..mak oo mak...nvm nx month will hv the chance to try it hehehe

p/s : For those who still deciding on which perfume u shud wear, try miracle so magic, its really nice, took me 3 years to part with it lol and Alia, Tresor in Love amat sesuai dengan mood aku skrg, maybe motherhood instinct ko dapat sense apa bakal terjadi kat aku in next few months kot lol ;p

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