Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, June 2

Leap Year

Hi peeps,

Have you ever heard of leap day? Now, this is just a brief explaination on this beautiful day
According to an old Irish legend, or possibly history, St Bridget struck a deal with St Patrick to allow women to propose to men – and not just the other way around – every 4 years. This is believed to have been introduced to balance the traditional roles of men and women in a similar way to how Leap Day balances the calendar. A man was expected to pay a penalty, such as a gown or money, if he refused a marriage proposal from a woman on Leap Day.

Apa pun, apehal lak tetiba akak bercakap pasal leap year..

Alkisahnya, last week akak tengoklah Leap Year stars by stunning Amy Adams as Anna Brady and good looking hot smoking Matthew Goode as Declan. Yeah yeah, it is a chick flick movie, romance and comedy genre. Anyway, I love it especially bila dengar Irish slang tu teringat plak P.S I Love U..awww, melting occay.

Well, if you are into these kind of genre and tengah lovey dovey tu. And ada mood nk tengok movie, go go power rangers, p tengok ok hehehe

The Toast ~ beautiful

and she finally her man and proposed to him but not on the leap day =p

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