Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, June 17

Final Quest - Nagasaki University And A Sunglasses

The League of Extraordinary Mimot has approximately reaching its final end

 It is decided, Nagasaki University will be the place for me.

Alhamdulillah, I passed the 1st obstacle, the university committee meeting and now still waiting for the exact date for the crucial moment and final meeting with KPT ~ please oh please, let it be in this month

I have been waiting for two months and definitely it is a misery. Waiting may be very painful, mentally tortured, pain in the butok (oh my english..) punya seksaan. TWO monthssss, what do you expect kan, kalo bela ayam pun dah siap boleh harvest and masuk kuali dah.

Anyway, rather than focussing on the painstaking meeting tu, akak divert my attention to something else. Apakah itu, none other than my shopping list (erkk bukan si dia ke??`dahsyat shopaholic ni)

Daripada pecah kepala fikirkan masalah yang menunggu jalan penyelesaian. Akak cadangkan u ols focus kpd benda yg menggumbirakan hati anda semua. So excuse me, nak pi cari new sunglasses untuk pergi ladang nnti =p ~ngade ngades~

love this via fashions designs

what do u think we have in common? we are hot?? oh i wishhh hahaha via diamond and heel
via chic fashionista

i prefer black than brown via celebrity clothing line


Paula said...

Good luck - I hope that your wait is a short one and that your each your dreams in the end! You made me laugh with your diversion thoughts of shopping for sunglasses - it works for me every time!
Great blog - the recipe in your earlier post looks absolutely delicious!
Best wishes from England!
Paula x

Mir Misesu said...

Thanks Paula for dropping by and shopping is always works as a therapy for me too.

Love to share the recipe and hopefully next time I'll post in English so everyone will have the chance to try it.

Anyway, thanks again