Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 9

Yummylicious Cake

Cupcakes for him

Big cake for me
Nicely box and wrap with gold ribbon
And for him in pink box and ribbon

Those who are interested, you can contact Kak Rose and I have to say an excellent service at very low price

Saturday, September 8

Our E' s Day 21.8.12


Our E's Day falls on 21.8.12 and we are officially engaged

Love to share some of the pictures with all of you

hantaran ~ many people fell in love with them

canopy, alhamdulillah...at first salah colour kain, nasib baik sempat tengok before depa pasang

this is exquisite from his side (sugar) ~ some of my chinese frens got confused and asked me why they give garlic as a present? untuk halau vampire ke? hahaha

 our self made mini pelamin, lazy to share because it didnt turn out as it was planned before but Ok-Ok lah

 mengintai dari tirai kamar =)

some of my 1Malaysia small family

More pictures cominggggggggggggg.....tungguuuuuuuuu

Tuesday, August 14

Iklan Raya Bernas 2012 Yang Meruntun Jiwa, Terbaeksss

Salam semua,

Sapa dah tengok Iklan Raya Bernas???? Sila angkat tangan

Akak konpem korang semua ramai-ramai dah tengok kannnn, kan nenek kan

Dan soalan kedua akas

Sapa yang tak menangis???

Tahniah, tahniah, tahniah

Tahniah, sebab korang memang hati BATU atau kelenjar air mata korang mesti bermasalah =P

Akaks?? wahh mcm ayaq terjun wa cakap lu, tengok budak 2 orang ni

Sedih oooooooooooooooooo huhu huwarghh!!!!!!!

Sapa tak tengok, hangpa pi tengok lekaih, Fuhhh wa cakap lu, TERBAEKSSS

Ketika dulu Ruffedge, VE and Innuendo

Ketika dulu mereka dikenali sebagai Ruffedge, VE and Innuendo

dan sekarang mereka adalah


Satu penghijrahan dari satu kumpulan acapella dan RnB tetapi sekarang ke kumpulan yang lebih positif dan masih membawa rentak acapella.

Semoga lebih ramai lagi artis yang mengikut jejak mereka =) InsyaAllah

P/S : Sejuk hati tengok Lah sekarang, dulu sjeuk juga sekarang makin sejuk beku hehehe

Sunday, August 12

The E's Day Progress

Salam peeps

Let's go through the items

1) The Perfect Ring - can't wait to try it
2) Hantaran 5 Vs 7 - tender berubah tangan, memang lah Datin A buat propa so now my cuz bro yang carikan tukang gubah. So gubahan i made in KL. Done!!
3) Make Up and mini pelamin - tender kepada my cousin bro yang sememangnya dah biasa kerja kawin ni. Have shown him design mana i nak, so settle on that. Tak lawa, siap hangpaaaa hikhikhik
4) Door gift -sponsored by Pn Lat and done with it. On the way to Penang. Tengah imagine nak isi kacang, raisins and smarties by layer. Hasilnya nanti kita upload ya =)
5) Goodies bag - Algae Girl nak p Canada and bz with her labwork. So rasanya door gift pun dah memadai.
6) Menu -oOOOO muda Vs org2 tua. Nasi daging Vs Nasi Lauk Kampung. Jeng Jeng Jeng. Mee rebus still remain in menu.
7) Photographer - done
8) Canopy - done
9) Baju - done tapi masih mencari veil and tudung yang sesuai. Takpa terjah butik pengantin je balik nanti =)

9) Items on dulang -
a) Cake- done, foc delivery (tq kak rose)
b) Chocolate - haishhh cerita sadis, budak asrama melantak sampai habis. Kena beli lain balik nanti
c) Sirih junjung - done
d) Buah - done
e) Perfume -done
f) Macaroons - balik nak singgah MB
g) Watch - done

Soalan-soalan yang selalu diterima 1-2 weeks selepas boss buat public announcement besar-besaran.

Q :Apa perasaan anda nak bertunang? 
A : Takda perasan sebab banyak benda nak settle before balik erkkk
Q: Oh, mesti si dia yang nervous?
A : Takda juga, both of us busy sangat. Bulan puasa ni banyak events. Hmmm maybe tunggu hari kejadian kot hahhahaha 
Anyway..........What happens back at home?

Datin A sedang bertungkus lumus dengan deko deko Gjan Chong. Depa kata bahagian dalam rumah dan siling dah dicat. Cat dia bau lemon (nampak sangat Datin A terpedaya dengan cat mahal tokei cina tu, nasib baik i takda ok). Warna kuning kenanga. Sekarang both of them busy mengubah susun atur furniture sebab nak lapik tikar getah baru (tunggu dapat durian runtuh, akan ku tukar semua ke tiles, hm mau 20k saja untuk tukar tiles rumah kampung ni)
Langsir? dijahit sendiri oleh datin A tapi material shj dah 500 bucks. Gosh memang lah akak muflis tak lama lagi, itupun katanya tak cukup lagi sheer curtain. Oh My My My. Nasihat saya kepada anda semua, sila saving banyak untuk majlis begini ya, akak yang banyak family sponsored and buat sendiri pun dah spent almost dua bulan gaji ku.

Saturday, August 4

Killing Hot

Can someone please come to my house and fix my aircond.

Darnnn, it soooo deym hot inside the house

is it so hard to find the spare parts stuff?

Kalau i genius, dah lama repair sendiri. Pfttttt!!

Sunday, July 8

Our Great Escapade

Hi peeps and salam,

Long time no see. It’s been a tiring day lately. I’m juggling my time between works, study and love life (eceh eceh). They are definitely mentally and physically exhausted matters, rite. Love life can be tiring as well ke? i mean the E’s Day preparation only, the rest tak penat lah, energizing lagi ada =)

Anyways, let’s see what I have been doing these past weekends.

Start with last weekend, I had a 14 hours student education programme (Starting School), our department’s Family Day 2012 on today and next weekend we gonna have another student programme from Friday to Sunday. Oh greatttt, so, I’m expecting more and more fine lines underneath my eyes and forehead.

Seriously, I need a BREAK lah.

The last time me and makciks rombongan che kiah went for a trip was in March which is our umrah in Saudi. I know it just a few months ago, but, I’m still thinking I need to enjoy my vacation in somewhere else. My ‘pakcik’ (me and Dr A terminology hahaha) invite me to join him with his co-workers to Krabi next week. Tetapi apakan daya, tak dapat den.

Being so sweet and adorably kind, he offered me a help to find a nice holiday package with the travel agencies he deal with (agaknya, malas nak dengar aku pot pet pot pet nak cuti cuti malaysia agaknya kot hahaha). Since, the makciks always bugging me about Guangzhou, China and Bandung (nak visit helper kesayangan depa lah tu), so I decided next trip will be either one of these two places. As usual I have remind ‘pakcik’ that shopping should be in the initineary. Bukan layan makciks tu semua nak visit historical sites dll, melainkan tempat tersebut adalah tempat yang boleh mereka menghabiskan hasil bekalan uang anak-anak mereka hikhik. Apatah lagi memanjat tangga Great Wall of China. Ada yang satgi pandang aku dengan muka bila nk blah dr tempat ni. Seingat aku, expression depa masuk tempat shopping adalah priceless occay =) bersinar-sinar mata dan bercahaya lampu lip lap muka depa =).

Sesuai dengan motto mereka
“Shopping is a Therapy”

If shopping can be genetically inherit. Well, I think I got it from them ROFL

So, being a very loving bf (mintak puji ayat ini), my ‘pakcik’ manage to grab a travel package today at MATTA fair in PISA. A 4D3N shopping trip to Guangzhou for only at RM1779, all inclusive for 15 pax and only for today’s deal. Hmm, mn nak cekau 15 org tetapi ahli rombongan che kiah rasanya dapat mencapai angka tersebut. But 4 day je?, tak cukup tu hahahaha. Sadly, I told him, it is impossible to get it done by today but fortunately, towkay agency tu kawan dia lah hahahha. Cehh, saje je nak kenakan aku mamat ni. =p

Well, being a stubborn and efficient gf plak, I find a package 5D4N ground arrangement for only RM600++ and while surfing the Southern China Airlines website, I manage to find a return ticket from Penang to Guangzhou at only RM1399. Jeng jeng jeng, nak tayang juga lah keefisienan aku tadi tapi hmmm takut daa sebab bidang ni keja dia, kang dia all out tunjuk terer dia. Malu plak akaks kan hehehe. Cancel plan.

How about the date? Akak rasa nak pi hujung tahun atau in October ni. Dah tepu dah otak ku ini. So kena cepat-cepat before fuse tercabut kan. So here, nak share lah our rombongan che kiah’s trips for over last few years. The shortest trip is 5 days because the makciks and pakciks need some time to rest between programmes ya, so please be considerate with them. Also, patience is a virtue hehehe. There is one matter I still did not agree with them. They believe we should bring along a guy to accompany us in every trip in case for any emergency. But, how do you expect of a man protect 10-11 ladies in a group at the same time erkk so sapa yang protect sapa sekarang ni? hehehe. But layan je lah kan, kang cakap akak melawan cakap orang-orang tua =)

Whatever it is, the makciks and pakciks are the treasures of my life. This is how I repay their kindness for raising me until where I am today. Terima kasih makciks and pakciks.


The first outbound trip was 6D5N to Medan, Berastagi, Lake Toba and cant remember the other place =)

langkawi mya
The second place we went to with cucu-cucu adalah…..mana Mya?

langkawi croco
It' was Langkawi Island

umrah 1st
The 2nd outbound trip and my first umrah trip with TH Travel

umrah 1st a
Missing two persons in this photo =)

this was their second trip to my workplace (Bintulu) and still asking for another trip erkkk

their 2nd trip to Sabah (the first one, me being very lazy to find the picture)
off to Manukan Island

and here we went again to Mecca =)

and next??????

shopping in Guangzhou via worldstock
shall we go see a live volcano again in Bandung via erynejasmine
and of course shoppinggg via hidayahtrvl

Sunday, June 24

Medival and Fantasy

Hello there..

Got a time to kill? Fan of medival, fantasy and adventure drama?

Not to forget a strong heart and double extra triple invisible penapis mata (u know what i mean) - definitely not for kids hmm maybe not for man too.

Well, at least not for my man occay (nak tengok boleh, part tu kita blindfold erkk, me? perempuan je so nothing diff, boleh ke gitu alasannya? ish ish)

Here, a drama for you that should not miss

Game of Thrones is a drama series on a fight of kings, queens, princes and knights over a throne or more precisely Iron Throne sit in Kings of Landing kingdom. It's not only a throne, its also signify the pride and dignity of a 7 kingdoms ruler. Yeahhh, it's all about power, greed and lust to reign. The drama is actually based on fantasy novels created by George R. R. Martin and has been most anticipated drama in U.S. (the main reason lead me to watch this)

 I cant wait to watch their third season.

1st, let's look at the Houses of Westernos, the kings, queens and princes who fight for the iron throne

and which house i'm fighting for?

1st : House of Targaryen
I hate the brother but I love the sister, the beautiful Khaleesi

Nope, you do have a gentle heart hehehe don't denied it

2nd : House of Stark - Ruler of Winterfell

I believe they are the most compassionate and loyal clan

I admire their courage except the weak Sansa Stark, blahh, why cant she be like Arya?

p/s : images credited to the links


Sunday, June 17

Final Quest - Nagasaki University And A Sunglasses

The League of Extraordinary Mimot has approximately reaching its final end

 It is decided, Nagasaki University will be the place for me.

Alhamdulillah, I passed the 1st obstacle, the university committee meeting and now still waiting for the exact date for the crucial moment and final meeting with KPT ~ please oh please, let it be in this month

I have been waiting for two months and definitely it is a misery. Waiting may be very painful, mentally tortured, pain in the butok (oh my english..) punya seksaan. TWO monthssss, what do you expect kan, kalo bela ayam pun dah siap boleh harvest and masuk kuali dah.

Anyway, rather than focussing on the painstaking meeting tu, akak divert my attention to something else. Apakah itu, none other than my shopping list (erkk bukan si dia ke??`dahsyat shopaholic ni)

Daripada pecah kepala fikirkan masalah yang menunggu jalan penyelesaian. Akak cadangkan u ols focus kpd benda yg menggumbirakan hati anda semua. So excuse me, nak pi cari new sunglasses untuk pergi ladang nnti =p ~ngade ngades~

love this via fashions designs

what do u think we have in common? we are hot?? oh i wishhh hahaha via diamond and heel
via chic fashionista

i prefer black than brown via celebrity clothing line

Saturday, June 9

Ikan Masak Rempah


  • Ikan kembung dibersih dan dilumur garam halus
  • 1 sudu besar serbuk rempah ikan/daging
  • 3 sudu besar kicap manis 
  • Air perahan asam jawa
  • Sedikit halia dipotong
  • 1 biji bawang besar dipotong
  • Daun bawang dipotong kasar sebagai hiasan
Cara-cara memasak
  1. Goreng ikan terlebih dahulu sehingga masak dan ketepikan
  2. Masukkan bawang besar dan halia yang telah dipotong dan tumis sehingga kekuningan
  3. Tumiskan air asam jawa yang telah dicampurkan dengan serbuk rempah (bagi pekat skit asam jawa tu)
  4. Biarkan seketika sehingga rempah masak
  5. Masukkan kicap manis dan kacau sehingga pekat
  6. Masukkan garam dan gula secukup rasa
  7. Seterusnya, ikan goreng tadi dimasukkan bersama daun bawang
  8. Kacau seketika dan sedia untuk dihidangkan

Saturday, June 2

Leap Year

Hi peeps,

Have you ever heard of leap day? Now, this is just a brief explaination on this beautiful day
According to an old Irish legend, or possibly history, St Bridget struck a deal with St Patrick to allow women to propose to men – and not just the other way around – every 4 years. This is believed to have been introduced to balance the traditional roles of men and women in a similar way to how Leap Day balances the calendar. A man was expected to pay a penalty, such as a gown or money, if he refused a marriage proposal from a woman on Leap Day.

Apa pun, apehal lak tetiba akak bercakap pasal leap year..

Alkisahnya, last week akak tengoklah Leap Year stars by stunning Amy Adams as Anna Brady and good looking hot smoking Matthew Goode as Declan. Yeah yeah, it is a chick flick movie, romance and comedy genre. Anyway, I love it especially bila dengar Irish slang tu teringat plak P.S I Love U..awww, melting occay.

Well, if you are into these kind of genre and tengah lovey dovey tu. And ada mood nk tengok movie, go go power rangers, p tengok ok hehehe

The Toast ~ beautiful

and she finally her man and proposed to him but not on the leap day =p

Sunday, May 27

Hotel Promenade Kota Kinabalu

Hi and another place to stay when you are in KK

my collegue bought this as a souvenier

Hotel Sixty3 Kota Kinabalu

Hi there

If you are planning to go to KK, Sabah and still finding the right place to crash in.

 Well, please consider this hotel..

Comfy and hugeee room ~ boleh main guli, gasing and futsal juga hohoho



sengett daaa

Thank You

Salam peeps,

Makcikbee become a busy bee recently

Hectic schedule this week. 

Why? coz starting nx wk, most of us will be taking a short break for Gawai even those who aren't celebrating Gawai pun, amik kesempatan to spent time with family ~ senyap sunyiii

And we are also preparing for new student registration

Yes June oh June...manic June

My scholarship's meeting  and not to forgot even my sis application status pun will be announce nx month. InsyaAllah..pls pray for us and also kepada my cuz, kak yang  and hubby yang insyaAllah dh smpi Medina hr ni....huhuuhuhu jelesssss, nak itottttt

tetapi hr ni i also got something to share with all of u

Pagi ni akaks ada tengok program motivasi kat tv and topik dia pasal terima kasih. So lepas dengar akak rasa memang bgs apa yg dibincangkan....motivator tu cakap terima kasih bukan hanya untuk orang yg melakukan sesuatu kepada kita tetapi terima kasih juga untuk orang tak melakukan apa-apa kpd kita tapi membiarkan kita sahaja..


Sebab apa? sebab tanpa gangguan mereka juga kerja kita menjadi lancar so alhamdulillah

kepada semuaaaaaa thank you so muchi muchi sebab tanpa anda, hidup saya tiada warnanya ewahhhh hehehehehehhe~sengih kerangggg

yesss, i feel good na na na, i knew i would now na na na =)

P/S : Datin A and my sis in law bz cr bunga bunga matahariku so nanti akak share later occayyy