Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 22

What's Up??


yeah, im still up, cant catch any sleep until now...why? maybe sebab otak OT hari ni kot. Anyway, its been so long since i din catch up with all of u kan. Apo nak buek, den busy.

So, what's up??Now, i'm already moved into 3rd week of 1st sem. Well, im still struggling and fixing some of stuff yang still unmanageable. Workloads a bit i wud sed decreasing at the beginning but it seem its gonna be increasing perhaps in few weeks time. So sama je lah.

Macam mana diet? well, proudly sed im doing well sebab got some positive feedbacks la kan. Semua tanya rahsia and dengan humble i just said im taking care of my health now hahaha well, its true eventually since im doing this because of 'amazing' level of my cholestrol kan so that is an honest answer so saya tak tipu ye hehehe

So, that's all i can share for now since its already 130am and i SHOULD go to bed now. InsyaAllah ill find some time to share with u some of the good tips or cerita sensasi pada lembaran yang lain.

Last word, adios amigos and pls take care yourselves and enjoy ur life while u still can (dahsyat ayat ini)

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