Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 16

glowing and puffy?

tat wat my labmates told me...wat r u wearing...berseri2..they thot im getting married which is absolutely incorrect..bf pun xda...nak kawin dgn sapa?..haha...yg pasti my cousin who is geeting married next month..as usual, a bit mad today sbb when ppl access my google account i hv to reaccess again my acc..the prob is alwaz forget my acc password..i think i shud i hibernate n close my laptop next time..tat y dah lama x update blog..its fun actually to have a blog but when this kind of remeh temeh thing happen u just lazy to write..

again, back to topic..my face...so far the diff tat i made from usual routine is...i din take rice..i mean not totally skipped it..just avoiding it, mebbe just 1 scoop in 1 wk..i replaced it wit bread, wholegrain or wheat bran (which still confusing me) but after bit research and inet surfing, wholegrain is better...and i drink dilmah green tea from ceylon with mint..i love to sip it every morning in lab while checking my mail..hot tea in cold room..and oso enjoying my healthy breakfast..omg i miss my nasi lemak...its tough to decline the temptation especially when i at home during weekend..deymm its hard..

but i lazy to go jog like my routine last year, i can shed few pound easily if i stick to exercising..seriously..it really worked last time..i almost look 6-7 kilos last year..now..just starting slowly on weekend wit mommy...God, pls give me strength..totally victory if i can lose 10 kgs..perhaps..back in bintulu mid year will help me..hopefully

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