Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 16

am i ready?

alhamdulillah....dlm bankruptcy after declare gaji kena potong, Allah open another door for me..yes i just got the feel tat its time but sumtimes i did have doubt am i ready for it..umrah sahaja its not such big deal some ppl might sed tat but to me its BIG..to set ur feet there..it make me feel so small to stand at such a holy place mecca mukaramah..Allah i pray for my strength to be able to complete my duty in my life toward u..

my mum was so excited..well, i cried quietly in my heart to see her so happy about it..gosh, i dunno how to describe tat feeling..when ur loves ones is happy because of u, the felling is like u own the world..i dunno how to sed it..whenever i remember it few tears will slipped down...i think everybody know tat kind of feeling..fuly satisfaction i wud say..hahha

ada juga tanya my friends the girls i called them, dena Jk and lat..boleh ke aku ni?..they say yes, i can..i just feel so humble, so dirty..macam x caya je Allah nk trima x doa aku nanti..dah la xcited sebab nk tangkap gambar and singgah jordan..then clothes, wat shud i wear, tutup aurat but nk look vogue at the same time..mcm mn tu?...nauzubillah, i have tat kind of feel..mcm nk p bercuti2 msia..tat wat make me feel guilty..huhu..will Allah accept my prayers and doa..hopefully, ill try my best to set my niat on the right path..jgn nk ingat jalan-jalan and shopping...hehe..but im soo excited actually and scared juga..

jodoh..haha..tat was put on top list in my doa's list...mama and mak remind me so many times..i believe i just havent met him yet..may Allah show me the way..the truth is im a bit choosy..nk yg hensem2 je bak kata mak..haha...tp yg x hensem tp x baik pun x guna juga mak..hahha...tat y nk hensem and baik tu...tu la yg susah nk cari mak oii..im 27 years old, prime time haha..lat and dena alwaz remind me on tis..im alredi old..i dunno im just happy wit my single life now..i dun feel like i wan to get married..bahayes..hahha

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