Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 21

wish upon a star

tis morning, stuck at home again since yesterday bawa datuks n datins makan kenduri and after tat we had small family gathering over there and im stucked wit them..nvm i did enjoyed it....merapatkan sillaturrahim la katakan..haha..and today, i din open shop..the task goes to LGL hopefully, she can make it. I need to go to georgian bek later on, register asrama for my sis. While checking the emails tis morning, i buka malaysia hari ini and they have estranged tis morning..i din know that andy is a muslim...azwin andy..his voice is deep and husky wit a little slang in his BM..haha..face woooo totally good loking..he got a full package..gosh..as lat hv sed to me before..kalo dapat ni..sumpah aku x cari lain..haha..shud i forgot my alcheon, well..im in doubt now..haha...my alcheon Vs andy

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