Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 5

happiness never fails

well, just start blogging..

i did have one before this..but x tau p lempaq (buang) mana..forgot everything on it..thinking deeply wat shud i name my blog..well, at least it shud potray myself personally.. tenung sana tenung sini pusing sana pusing sini..pikiaq punya pikiaq..im sum1 who really enjoy life, enjoying it to the fullest..i think everybody shud hv tis kind of spirit..u only live once so y dun enjoy it and make full of it..as long as u know u love it without neglecting ur responsibilities toward others..bertanggungjawab la sikit kan..x kan nak enjoy je..lol

Finally decided, happiness never fails.. i think it shud b OK..bcoz i believe happiness is around u, just a bit effort to seek for it..and it never fails oso..enlighten ur life wit some spirit of happiness, face ur trouble with a slight hope in ur heart (at least) saying there will b a way and God will always be there for u..hehe..berpujangga la skit..

Ok people, ill keep u updated wit my journey tru life and perhaps its a good way haveing blog..y i can reflect my past oso..hehe

So, on 5 December 2009, i declared the launching of 'happiness never fails'..yippiee!!!

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