Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 27

Hotel Sixty3 Kota Kinabalu

Hi there

If you are planning to go to KK, Sabah and still finding the right place to crash in.

 Well, please consider this hotel..

Comfy and hugeee room ~ boleh main guli, gasing and futsal juga hohoho



sengett daaa


cicayanki said...

tempat me and my girls lepak weekend masa study kat ums dulu. tadak air check in promenade :)

Mir Misesu said...

i suka gila bilik sixty3 sbb besar...sllnya ddk promenade tp i rs best lg sixty3, esok turn u memantau sabah, blh ddk sini hehehe tp u blk sini mesti dh dpt senior lect so up lg lah hotel nnti =)

cicayanki said...

i nak dok sutera harbour. if tak dapat, i quit! hahahaha

Mir Misesu said...

rasanya dpt hehehehe nnti i check brg claim ;p

Mir Misesu said...

kena dpt AP br dpt daaa huhuhu