Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 25


~ If all the people in this world, in which we live, were as selfish as a few of the people in this world, in which we live, there would be no world in which to live. ~ W.L.Orm

well, at the first place, im quite dissapointed actually by some ppl reactions towards our bday celebration's tonite but now...wah it ended so well, perhaps very overwhelmed indeed...haha...macam goreng panas..before this, we have to find people to fill in the seats but now dont have xtra seats to fill in..haha..hwr, deep in my heart, i macam nak cakap..'serve u, before this x nak, complain mahal and watever..now last minute bila semua nak p, baru nak join..amik hang"....ur selfishness at first place ending u up in miserable place now, cant join us for the fun....well, im sorry i think u deserve it..ooopssss

Wednesday, March 17


i am infected with lazy bump virus and i just want to eat, eat eat....please help me concentrate, picaso! picaso! picaso!

Wednesday, March 10

Last serving of Pasta

this week is the final episode of pasta... im gonna miss chef choi hyun wook and song hye kyung and seongsaenim (alex) he is cool....haha..however, still have SFFTS and chuno which will end perhaps end of march. Well, there new dramas line up as replacement and i have found some to be watch later...however, many thanks to great viikii sub team esp palikero who providing me eng sub for pasta...to u guys aja-aja fighting and gamsaphamnida


....................rain rain please dont go away............................

Monday, March 8

this is hard

this is hard because....

i cant decide on it or is it maybe i think too much. shud i continue or shud i just ignore it and wait for other choices but what if there are no other choices later on. my mom sed wait until for the umrah and pray to God and let Allah open a way for me..i wish too but can he wait until that time, will he be there that time. maybe im too sacred tat wat mama sed to me before..im afraid of commitment, im afraid to try..but i think what im afraid is being hurt and making the wrong choice..

i dunno oh God i dunno, im scared when im making my mind i might bump into someone better later and might change my mind that time.. i dun want to hurt other feeling..the truth there is no single tingle feeling in my heart when i look at his photo..i believe when u met ur partner, u will feel connection, chemistry la kot katakan..or maybe tis is the best standard for me..well, i dun have look sincerely sed so perhaps this is the best for me..but at least i wish i can have someone a bit more like the lost future partner last time..haha..owh now im being choosyyy.....;P

the longest wedding i haf ever been

time 830 am to 500pm

a few words i can described about my cousin wedding at the bride's house...HOT, HUNGER AND HECK..

1st delay - tok imam postponed from 1030am to 12pm which still can be acceptable
2nd delay - baju pengantin x sampai...oO
3rd delay - mak andam x dapat cari rumah which totally unreasonable..gosh

we waited from 1030 am till 300pm..pity our elders who just had towait wit an empty stomach..they just had little breakfast, yes they did served us drink and kuih when we arrived..but its x enuf when u have diabetis..they need sugar or glucose to b precise..thank God me and my mom ok because we alredi trained for it..diet la katakan..but nasib baik i took breakfast tat morning, i almost jadi harimau bertaring tat time because i dun like to wait in hot weather now in Malaysia..however, alhamdulillah everything went fine and wish abg dek selamat pengantin baru and semoga berbahagia..amin..