Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 9

Yummylicious Cake

Cupcakes for him

Big cake for me
Nicely box and wrap with gold ribbon
And for him in pink box and ribbon

Those who are interested, you can contact Kak Rose and I have to say an excellent service at very low price

Saturday, September 8

Our E' s Day 21.8.12


Our E's Day falls on 21.8.12 and we are officially engaged

Love to share some of the pictures with all of you

hantaran ~ many people fell in love with them

canopy, alhamdulillah...at first salah colour kain, nasib baik sempat tengok before depa pasang

this is exquisite from his side (sugar) ~ some of my chinese frens got confused and asked me why they give garlic as a present? untuk halau vampire ke? hahaha

 our self made mini pelamin, lazy to share because it didnt turn out as it was planned before but Ok-Ok lah

 mengintai dari tirai kamar =)

some of my 1Malaysia small family

More pictures cominggggggggggggg.....tungguuuuuuuuu