Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 2

Happy Birthday and Happy New Year

Dear readers,

Happy nEw Year to everybody and may this coming new year will await us with an exciting and adventurous journey, hopefully a happy one ;)

How was my new year eve? It turned out to be just fine, i had a small bbq dinner with few friends. Anyway, the best part was when the clock striked 12.01 am which i was getting ready for bed. I heard those boom boom pow pow loud sound of fireworks hit the sky. Just trying my luck, i walked to balcony and slowly opened my sliding door and KABOOOMMMMM!! surprisingly i can watched those beautiful fireworks CLEARLY!!! and spontaneously i jumped and clapped like a mad person hahhahahaha AWESOME!!! this is a great, i dun need to get stuck in traffic jam, crowding with those unfamilar faces and wasting time finding a perfect spot because i have already found my perfect spot. And next year clad in my pyjamas, i will wait for the fireworks at my balcony....yeehaa

Eventough i dont have a dinner/lunch treat or get together birthday celebration this year since im stucked in here alone. Everything was not so bad since i got few unexpected gifts, alhamdulillah.

p/s : dont feel life is unfair to u, sometimes beautiful things will await for u at the end of the day, who know?;) and happy birthday to me!!!