Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 23


dearest all,

feeling x soo good....mentally and physically drained...berlari dan terus aku berlari mengejar masa yang kesempitan ini menghabiskan selonggok kerja yang bertimbun-timbun ibarat gunung everest..im x a multi-task person, cant hit 2 birds with one stone, bukan serampang 2 mata dan peribahasa seumpamanya...kena satu satu if not macam ni lah jadinya.

pressure from writing is one things ditambah berat aku yg x turun-turun lagi ni, mcm nak gila aku rasa..nak je aku hempuk scale tu, pastu nampak plak 'that number' kat mamat senget...cish humiliating betul rasanya. A thing about me is I CARE WHAT OTHER THINK BOUT ME...well, x good some would sed..be confident and chin up, i shud do that instead of thinking what will ppl think abt me..im sorry that is me!

1 week, ive try to concentrate with my writing but phone calls non stop ringging, sometimes i think i just shud turn it off..pardon me ppl, im trying hard to finish my work here, sorry for my rudeness..another thing, question and question, im tired of thinking of the answer when im oso struggling with the words to write..

Oh God, i wish i am in isolated place not here, please not here..far from this disturbance...~sigh~