Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 7


maybe no one tell u there a strength in your tears, tats why u keep it from pouring down...

~Kelly Clarkson 'if no one will'~

dalam pulling myself to the max nak habiskan writing ni, i love to hear this song, feel very encouraging and bersemangat skit. When i submit part by part of my thesis, feel like the burden has been lifted out..leganyaaaa

these next 2 months, i need to settle habis-habis all my 'jiken', probably in mei just tinggal histology work..insyaAllah..cross finger ladies...hehe....now my nights was filled wit dreaming of my thesis..tengah malam pun boleh jaga teringat dah siap or belum thesis..tulah la degi x nak tulis awal2 dulu, now padan muka diri sendiri...

ok people, wish the best for me and now im heating up my engine nak dapat another 2 page for 'causative agent' chapter..hehe..yosh gambarou!!!!